Active Sites
Developer | December 2005 | Percent | January 2006 | Percent | Change |
Apache | 23526487 | 68.24 | 23729196 | 66.40 | -1.84 |
Microsoft | 8414249 | 24.40 | 8767388 | 24.53 | 0.13 |
Sun | 199944 | 0.58 | 255290 | 0.71 | 0.13 |
Zeus | 296618 | 0.86 | 254259 | 0.71 | -0.15 |
Totals for Active Servers Across All Domains
June 2000 – January 2006
Sun is the sum of sites running SunONE, iPlanet-Enterprise, Netscape-Enterprise, Netscape-FastTrack, Netscape-Commerce, Netscape-Communications, Netsite-Commerce & Netsite-Communications.
Microsoft is the sum of sites running Microsoft-Internet-Information-Server, Microsoft-IIS, Microsoft-IIS-W, Microsoft-PWS-95, & Microsoft-PWS.
Platform groupings are here.