Active Sites
Developer | September 2006 | Percent | October 2006 | Percent | Change |
Apache | 28812118 | 61.28 | 28820676 | 61.04 | -0.24 |
Microsoft | 15108073 | 32.13 | 15262010 | 32.32 | 0.19 |
Zeus | 246550 | 0.52 | 249824 | 0.53 | 0.01 |
Sun | 152637 | 0.32 | 146120 | 0.31 | -0.01 |
Totals for Active Servers Across All Domains
June 2000 – October 2006
Sun is the sum of sites running SunONE, iPlanet-Enterprise, Netscape-Enterprise, Netscape-FastTrack, Netscape-Commerce, Netscape-Communications, Netsite-Commerce & Netsite-Communications.
Microsoft is the sum of sites running Microsoft-Internet-Information-Server, Microsoft-IIS, Microsoft-IIS-W, Microsoft-PWS-95, & Microsoft-PWS.
Platform groupings are here.