The shift in the company’s product mix has meant more revenue per server. In moving up the value chain, Marsh says much of EV1Servers’ new sales are generated by word-of-mouth referrals and existing customers looking to upgrade equipment, adding high bandwidth packages and clustered servers. Private racks offering customized load balancing and firewall solutions have been strong performers, and the addition of remote server reboot capability and a system to deflect denial of service attacks have also proven popular with customers. Marsh says EV1Servers’ annual revenue now exceeds $70 million, and could reach $100 million by the end of the year.
While growth has slowed from the frenzied pace of 2003, EV1Servers is building out additional space in the second data center, and retrofitting its main data center to further expand the facility’s power infrastructure, which briefly limited growth in late 2003 when the company’s growth maxed out the capacity of the local power grid.
“We haven’t had a single unprofitable month in the past four years,” said Marsh. “We are committed to growing our company as fast as possible while remaining profitable.”