What reason might Dell give for running www.dell.co.uk on NT4?
- When we say “Upgrade!” you must do what we say, not do what we do
- We’re still waiting for our order to be delivered
- It’s not broke, and we dont need to fix it.
- We’re less of a target for attackers. There’s no kudos in hacking anything more than 5 years old.
- We’ve been evaluating Linux, and have not yet reached a decision.
- It’s just the front end machines. Everything else has been running Windows 2003 for months. Honest!
- The cobblers children didnt have shoes, either.
- That site doesnt see a lot of traffic. It just redirects to www.euro.dell.com
- If you think that running NT4 doesnt do a lot for our product advocacy, then you haven’t seen what our evil competitor runs