We had expected that SCO might take www.sco.com out of the DNS in the run up to the MyDoom DDoS payload in order to keep the denial of service http traffic off the Internet.
So far, though, www.sco.com still resolves and receives http requests, though closing the connection without sending a response.
That said, the sco.com hostmaster is reserving his options, with the TTL set to just 60 seconds at time of writing.
% host www.sco.com
www.sco.com has address
% dig www.sco.com
www.sco.com. 60 IN A
% telnet www.sco.com http
Connected to www.sco.com.
Escape character is ‘^]’.
Connection closed by foreign host.
Contrastingly, www.microsoft.com’s performance is as normal. Microsoft has chosen to leave the hostname still resolving to a set of 8 ip addresses in Redmond, rather than point it at Akamai’s content distribution network, with their TTL set to just under an hour.
www.microsoft.com. 7 IN CNAME www.microsoft.akadns.net. www.microsoft.akadns.net. 7 IN CNAME www2.microsoft.akadns.net. www2.microsoft.akadns.net. 8 IN A www2.microsoft.akadns.net. 8 IN A www2.microsoft.akadns.net. 8 IN A www2.microsoft.akadns.net. 8 IN A www2.microsoft.akadns.net. 8 IN A www2.microsoft.akadns.net. 8 IN A www2.microsoft.akadns.net. 8 IN A www2.microsoft.akadns.net. 8 IN A
A graph of the www.sco.com response times, is available while people may also subscribe to receive outage alerts on the sites.
Elsewhere, the Internet looks quite benign with presently just 10 of the fifty hosting company sites monitored by Netcraft showing failed requests during the last 24 hours, and none showing outages.