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Below you will find a diagnostic report on phishing attacks targeting your financial institution from January through June 2023. The data was collected as part of Netcraft’s mid-year US financial services cyber threat analysis.

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Detection Data & Insights

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Yellow Arrow

Hosting Providers


The number of hosting providers involved in attacks targeting your organization.

Blue Arrow

Domain Registrars


The number of domain registrars involved in attacks targeting your organization.

Dark Blue Arrow



The number of countries that attacks targeting your organization are hosted in.

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The map below gives more detail about where attacks targeting your organization are coming from. Darker shades indicate higher volumes of attacks.


Learn how Netcraft’s market-leading brand protection solution leverages scale and extensive automation to detect, disrupt, and eliminate cyber attacks 3x faster than the industry average.

A hand rests on a laptop keyboard, which shows code on a screen

About the 2023 US Financial Institution Benchmark Study

This report was developed using phishing attack data collected and analyzed by Netcraft’s 24/7 detection capabilities.

Although this report focuses on phishing, Netcraft uses extensive automation and machine learning to detect a variety of other cyber attack types including advance fee or authorized push payment fraud, executive impersonation, fake shops and 100+ more attack types.

Our searches cover a wide range of digital channels including typosquatting or lookalike domains, compromised websites, social media platforms, search engine ads, email and SMS.

Defeating cyber attacks with unmatched scale and effectiveness

Netcraft’s online brand protection operates 24/7 to discover phishing, fraud, scams, and cyber attacks through extensive automation, AI, machine learning, and human insight. Our disruption & takedown service ensures that malicious content is blocked and removed quickly and efficiently—typically within hours.

Blocked Attacks Icon


of the world’s phishing attacks taken down

Website Host Icon


threat reports and suspicious URLs analyzed every day

Content Sites icon


cybercrime attacks blocked to date

Global Phishing Icon


attacks taken down and growing

About Netcraft

From large phishing campaigns angling for banking credentials to targeted brute force attacks, digital threats are evolving at a rapid pace. Cybercrime, scams, and online fraud affect companies of all sizes. Every organization needs a solution—and a partnerthat has the speed and agility to keep your brands, employees, and customers safe.

Want to learn more?

Book a demo of our services below and one of our sales reps will be in contact to discuss your requirements.